La Fédération Européenne pour la Santé Animale et la Sécurité Sanitaire ​

A federation serving farmers to protect and
strengthen animal health and food security.

A federation serving breeders to defend and strengthen animal health and food safety.

La Fédération Européenne pour la Santé Animale et la Sécurité Sanitaire ​

A federation serving breeders to defend and strengthen animal health and food safety.

Building together Animal Health Europe

To ensure the smooth running of the Single Market and meet growing health threats, the European Union is following a health strategy based on the principle that prevention is better than cure. FESASS fully supports this approach, as only preventive action can guarantee long-term health status. We want this approach to be applied both individually and collectively on every farm in the European Union.

For more than twenty years, European institutions, farmers, their veterinarians and animal health services have been aware that health threats to European livestock farming are, and will continue to be, on the increase. More than ever, it is exposed to multiple risks...
FESASS President

Ours members

FESASS brings together the professional organizations in charge of Animal Health in 10 Member States, and represents 85% of the European Union’s bovine livestock and 3/4 of pig, sheep and goat livestock. It also represents other species such as poultry and bees.


Lastest news

Would you like to become a member?

Our members join FESASS because they want to defend and improve the health status of farm animals in their country and in Europe. They know that health action requires acting together, united and aware of what is at stake for human health and the environment.


Upcoming events

Date and time

Meeting of the joint working group on vector-borne diseases

